Rudy Giuliani Accused of Being a Rapist, Racist, and Really Bad Lawyer
Of all the people who have worked for Donald Trump over the past several years, the one most commonly viewed as a complete joke is former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. That designation probably has to do with, among other things, the fact that he accidentally wed his second cousin (and was married to her for 14 years); showed up in a scene from Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan with his hand down his pants; mistakenly held a press conference outside of Four Seasons Total Landscaping instead of the Four Seasons hotel; held a press conference with what appeared to be hair dye dripping down his face; had his law license suspended in New York and DC for election-fraud lies; made the decision to shave in the middle of an airport restaurant; and did a stint on The Masked Singer. But according to the allegations in a new lawsuit, he’s also a horrifying monster who regularly raped one of his employees, among other disgusting behavior.
In a 70-page complaint filed in New York state court late Monday, Noelle Dunphy, who worked for Giuliani as his director of business development, accused the mayor turned Trump attorney of a shocking number of unspeakable acts, all of which she laid out in graphic, stomach-churning detail. One of them was allegedly nonstop sexual abuse, including rape. According to the complaint, “Giuliani began abusing Ms. Dunphy almost immediately after she started working” for him and “made clear that satisfying his sexual demands—which came virtually anytime, anywhere—was an absolute requirement of her employment and of his legal representation.” Here’s just one of the many instances, as laid out in the lawsuit:
According to the complaint, “Giuliani then pulled her head onto his penis, without asking for or obtaining any form of consent. He held her by her hair. It became clear to Ms. Dunphy that there was no way out of giving him oral sex. She did so, against her will. Ms. Dunphy was shocked and saddened by what had happened. She did not want to have any sexual encounter with Giuliani, of any kind. But Ms. Dunphy felt extreme pressure to go along with Giuliani’s demands because she could not lose her promised salary or her legal representation by the uniquely qualified and connected lawyer.”
The promised yearly salary in question, per the suit, was $1 million but according to Dunphy, Giuliani told her that her pay would have to be deferred and her employment made “secret” until his divorce—from third wife Judith Nathan—was resolved. He allegedly claimed that his “crazy” ex-wife and her attorneys were monitoring his cashflow and that if she found out he’d hired a female employee, his ex-wife would “attack” and “retaliate.” (Incidentally, in 2022, Nathan accused Giuliani of owing her $262,000 he should have paid under their divorce settlement terms; prior to that, a separate lawyer for Nathan accused Giuliani of working for Trump pro bono to possibly lower his income, and thus the amount of alimony he had to pay his ex…and in retrospect, it sounds like they were onto something!) In addition to the seven-figure salary—of which the suit claims she would ultimately see virtually none of—Giuliani had also agreed to represent her, pro bono, in a domestic violence case against an abusive ex. That might have sounded like a magnanimous act, but:
If your stomach can handle it, here are a few other examples of the many instances in which Giuliani forced Dunphy to engaged in sexual acts including:
According to the suit, Giuliani “continually pressured her into sex.” He also tried to get her to watch The General’s Daughter, a 1999 movie in which a woman is raped and murdered, which Giuliani allegedly described as “sexy.” On March 4, 2019, Giuliani expressed a fantasy to Dunphy in which they had sex in the lobby of a hotel room, and he told the doorman: “I need time alone with my girlfriend, with my daughter. With my little girl.” Per the suit, “This became part of a pattern in which Giuliani referenced Ms. Dunphy as his ‘daughter’ in the context of sexual activity and made her extremely uncomfortable.” On another occasion, Giuliani told Dunphy, “while engaging in sexual contact” with her, “I think of you as my daughter. Is that weird?” And that was far from the only vomitous thing he had to say to her. Other comments allegedly included:
- “I’m gonna make it a little painful.”
- “Stick it up your ass.”
- “You’re a fucking slut.”
- “You’re my bitch.”
- “Be a slut! Be Rudy’s slut!”
- “I want to own you officially. Legally. With a document.”
- “I can’t control myself. I lose control. I think of you all the time. I’m unable to control it. I’m addicted.”
- “I can’t think about you without getting hard. Even when I think about how smart you are, I get hard.”
- Stating he would “get in trouble with underage girls” if they looked 20 but were actually 16
By the way, all of the above was recorded—with Giuliani’s knowledge. How is that possible? Well:
Other things that were recorded? Some of Giuliani’s “alcohol-drenched rants that included sexist, racist, and antisemitic remarks,” according to the suit. Those rants allegedly included:
- Implying Jewish men’s penises were small due to “natural selection.”
- Saying, “Black guys hit women more than anybody else does…and so do Hispanic guys—it is in their culture.”
- Saying, “Jews want to go through their freaking Passover all the time, man oh man. Get over the Passover. It was like 3,000 years ago. The red sea parted, big deal. It’s not the first time that happened.”
- Comments about “freakin Arabs.”
- “Demean(ing) and sexualiz(ing) Hillary Clinton and mock(ing) her body”
- “Demean(ing) and sexualiz(ing) Margaret Thatcher”—yes, Margaret Thatcher—and “wonder(ing) about the effect she would have on his penis”
- Saying, “If my life depended on it, if I had to make love to Nancy Pelosi, I couldn’t do it. I’d have to die.”
- Referring to an employee as “fat“ and saying he felt sorry for her because she was fat; also saying he was “trying not to feed” her
- Disparaging “a female lawyer because of her breast size”
- Saying Mike Bloomberg “became gay” after his wife left him
- Referring to Matt Damon as a “fag”
- Saying, of Elizabeth Warren: “Pocahontas was a really hot babe, and Warren does not look like a babe. She looks like a person in search of a gender.” (And then later that he was “very hot” for the senator.)
- Telling Dunphy: “You’re so easy to take advantage of”
By the way, Dunphy says that after Giuliani first forced her to engaged in oral sex, she asked him “for the name of the Human Resources director, because she was considering reporting what had happened,” and he allegedly responded that “he did not have a Human Resources department and bragged that no one would ever sue him because he was connected to President Trump, and he had private investigators who would punish anyone who complained.” He also, starting the second month she worked for him, allegedly “began isolating her from others” and “forbade her from seeing or talking on the phone with anyone without his approval.”
Giuliani’s spokesperson, Ted Goodman, said in a statement: “Mayor Rudy Giuliani unequivically denies the allegations raised by Ms. Dunphy. Mayor Giuliani’s lifetime of public service speaks for itself and he will pursue all available remedies and counterclaims.”
Incidentally, the suit accuses Giuliani of not just being a rapist but also a laughably bad lawyer. For instance, Dunphy claims that he gave her access to his email account, which included messages that were “privileged, confidential, and highly sensitive.” Just a small sampling of his inbox, which she had unfettered access to, included emails from, to, or concerning “President Trump, the Trump family (including emails from Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump); Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner; former FBI director Louis Freeh; Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow; Secretaries of State, former aides to President Trump such as Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, and Kellyanne Conway; former Attorneys General Michael Mukasey and Jeff Sessions; media figures such as Rupert Murdoch, Sean Hannity, and Tucker Carlson; and other notable figures including Newt Gingrich, presidential candidates for Ukraine, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, the Ailes family, the LeFrak family, Bernard Kerik, Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas, and attorneys Marc Mukasey, Robert Costello, Victoria Toensing, Fred Fielding, and Joe DeGenova.”
Oh, and he apparently asked Dunphy if she knew anyone who needed a presidential pardon because, he allegedly told her, he was selling them for $2 million a pop, money he said he and Donald Trump would split.
And while almost nothing about this horrifying suit is funny, there is one thing that legitimately is: “Giuliani asked Ms. Dunphy for help in Googling information about obstruction of justice, among other topics.” So is the fact that as far back as February 7, 2019, the then president’s personal lawyer allegedly told Dunphy “about a plan that had been prepared for if Trump lost the 2020 election. Specifically, Giuliani told Ms. Dunphy that Trump’s team would claim that there was ‘voter fraud’ and that Trump had actually won the election. This plan was discussed at several business meetings with Giuliani and Lev Parnas.”
Speaking of crimes—like trying to overturn the election—around May 31, 2019:
On January 7, 2021, Dunphy, per her lawsuit, told Giuliani, “I feel scared of you, and I don’t want you trying to hurt me.” Several weeks later, her employment was terminated, with Giuliani allegedly sending her a text message that read: “I had hoped you got over your unjust claims of being afraid and wanting to sue. This is just not a basis for any form of communication. Sorry, I tried to make it sensible.”
Taken together, Dunphy has accused the former mayor of, among other things, rape, “crimes of violence” and “crimes of violence motivated by gender,” battery, assault, gender discrimination, sexual assault, retaliatory discharge, and wage theft.